Sales and Support: 03302 23 44 01

Any good sales person would pre-qualify their leads but this process in itself is expensive

When you measure the true cost of wasted time on phone calls, wasted customer visits and missed opportunities due to focusing on the wrong prospects, it quickly becomes clear that pre-qualification needs to be an integral part of your sales process.


The best way to pre-qualify a prospect is to educate with a low-cost tool, measure and gauge excitement and ensure your message is getting to the decision maker.
Sounds simple, right? Actually, it’s really tricky. Try and pre-qualify too soon and the chances are your prospect will feed back negative and skewed information because they have not had the correct dose of priming. Talk to the wrong person and it’s a waste of time. And if you don’t strike while the iron is hot then you miss the deal.

Giving you the bigger picture

The Virtual Sales Presentation automates and drip feeds content, gently warming up the prospects, allowing them to work out their own pace of engagement. Crucially, you can see how many times the presentation has been viewed and how much of it has actually been watched. It feeds back to you through the dashboard, telling you the precise point where a prospect is within a given campaign. This makes it easy to get a true understanding of how effective a campaign really is and helps pre-qualify the lead without the risk of missing key opportunities.

Sharing within the company

The Virtual Sales Presentation encourages the prospect to share the presentation with all the key stakeholders, increasing the likelihood that the core messages gets to the right person at the right time, even if you do not get the chance to physically meet the real decision maker. If you send a Virtual Sales Presentation to a prospect and they want to meet, chances are they are ready to buy!

About Us

We listen to your ideas, learn about your business and develop Virtual Sales Presentations that help you meet precise business objectives. We are a full-service agency, offering a complete end-to-end solution.

The Virtual Sales Presentation, combined with our experience, resources and people, can meet your needs and take your business to the next level.



Not got a lot of time? Watch our short and fun 90 second overview animation.

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Sales and Client Support: 03302 23 44 01